Sunday, January 08, 2012

Welcome Back New & Returning South Pointe Students!

Welcome to Block III. On this blog you'll find links to interesting science stuff. Click on something, check it out, and come back and leave a comment to earn extra credit. Click on the comment button below, or email me at Make sure you include your name in the comment, or I won't know who gets the extra credit (10 points each time you have a meaningful comment).

For the 1st one this block, it's a piece of cake. Just leave a comment showing me you've been to the blog, and you get the credit. Were you paying attention? Just leave a frakin' comment with your frakin' name and you get some extra credit points. Capisce? (that's Italian for "do you understand me?")

Check back regularly, at least once a week, for more extra credit options.

Hi Ho!   JG


  1. Wow, Mr. G, you are really such a totally cool and bitchin' teacher, I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't pass your class!

  2. Why thank you, kind and clearly very intelligent student. I'd like to give you some extra credit, but your forgot to add your name!

  3. Oh, sorry, I forgot. It's Zaphod Beeblebrox, and I'm in your 5th Period Biology class.

  4. Right-ho, you got your extra credit, Zaphod!

  5. Hahaa nicee.
    -Nacya Acosta
