Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Survey: 61 Percent Agree with Evolution (on LiveScience)

Americans would rather hear about evolution from scientists than from judges or celebrities, according to a new survey that finds a majority agree that evolution is at work among living things.

A coalition of 17 organizations reacted today to the survey by calling on the scientific community to become more involved in promoting evolution and other aspects of science education.

The coalition, including the National Academy of Sciences, the American Institute of Physics and the National Science Teachers Association, released this statement:

"The introduction of 'non-science,' such as creationism and intelligent design, into science education will undermine the fundamentals of science education. Some of these fundamentals include using the scientific method, understanding how to reach scientific consensus, and distinguishing between scientific and nonscientific explanations of natural phenomena."

Read the rest here

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I think, what a joy it is to be alive!
And wonder, if I will ever leap into the root of this flesh,
and know myself as I truly am?
The root is there.
But whether any act can free me,
that remains tangled in the web that is the future.
Duncan Idaho

Yes, and because of this a person needs change.
Change jars things deep within us, and allows us to grow.
Without change, something sleeps within us, and seldom awakens.
The sleeper must awaken.
Duke Leto Atreides I

Monday, January 07, 2008

South Pointe Students - Welcome to Block III!!!

If you're a returning student, you may have noticed that I recently moved my blog to its new digs here with Blogger, so the pickins' are sparse. Old posts are still archived here, if you wanted to look at what brilliant comments I may (or may not) have posted over the last few years.

I hope my new Biology and Anatomy & Physiology students had an awesome break, and are energized and stoked for our first semester together. Check here every week or so for some awesomely interesting articles and (often brilliant) comments, and of course extra credit assignments. The first one of the block is soooooo simple, dudes!

For both Biology I and Anatomy I students, just send me an email telling me how cool I am (and that you've checked out our site), and email it to me at jgiacobbe_southpointe@cox.net, for 25 points extra credit. Piece of cake, dudes and dudettes.

It's all good, babies...

See ya' in class...jg

Friday, January 04, 2008

Hi All. Hope your vacation went/is going well. I was obligated to visit my daughter in Los Angeles, and we stayed at a hotel on the beach in Santa Monica. Oh well, the sacrifices we make for our children!

Here are a few shots of our vacation. Hope you are all rested and refreshed and ready for the new semester, it's gonna be a blast!
Peace, jg