Sunday, December 28, 2014

Biggest Scientific Breakthroughs of 2014

Biggest Scientific Breakthroughs of 2014

Well, here are some cool science stuff from last year. Check them out, visit a link or two (or more), and write me a line or two in either the comments section or by email for some extra credit

First, let's look at our own ancestors, and wonder at their abilities...

Or, if that's not to your taste, how about an Artificial Yeast Chromosome Was Built From Scratch

Maybe your interests tend towards the far out, so how about the discovery of the First Earth-Sized Habitable Zone Planet?

if that's not cool and weird enough, how about the Worlds First Birth With A Donated Womb?

and lastly, just so we can get to know our future robot overlords, how about this first step, the Largest Robotic Swarm In History Takes Shape