Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week III Extra Credit...

Hi All. Hope you're enjoying our classes.

For some extra credit this week, follow the link below, and read one of the articles on the web page, then email or print out a brief summary (one paragraph) of what the thing is (that science can't yet explain) and how you might go about explaining it, if it was your job to find an answer to these mysteries...

Top Ten Things Science Can't Explain

From The Null Hypothesis - The Journal of Unlikely Science

an excellent and fun site to explore weird science stuff...


Sunday, August 09, 2009

Monday, August 03, 2009

South Pointe Students - Welcome to Block I!

If you're a returning student, you may have noticed that last year I moved my blog to its new digs here with Blogger, so the posts are just from last year. Old posts are still archived here, if you wanted to look at what brilliant comments I may (or may not) have posted over the last few years.

I hope my new Biology I and Biology II students had an awesome break, and are energized and stoked for our first semester together. Check here every week or so for some awesomely interesting articles and (often brilliant) comments, and of course extra credit assignments. The first one of the block is soooooo simple, dudes!

For both Biology I and II students, just send me an email telling me how cool I am (and that you've checked out our site), and email it to me at, for 25 points extra credit. Piece of cake, dudes and dudettes.

It's all good, babies...

See ya' in class...jg

Saturday, August 01, 2009

I think, what a joy it is to be alive,

and wonder if I will ever reach inward, to the root of this flesh,
and know myself as I truly am.

The root is there,
whether any act can free me,
that remains tangled in the web that is the future.

It may only take a single word to free me.

Until then, all things a man can do are mine, I but await the word...