Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Sleeper Must Awaken  
(from words by Duncan Idaho and Duke Leto Atriedes)

I think, what a joy it is to be alive,
and wonder if I will ever leap inward, 
to the root of this flesh, 
and know myself as I truly am.

The root is there, but it is tangled in the web that is both future and past at once.
It only awaits a word to free me.

Because of this a person needs change.
Change jars something deep within us, 
and allows us to grow.

Without change, something sleeps within us, and seldom awakens.

To be a complete human, the sleeper must awaken...


  1. mr. was that a poem cuz if it was it was good

  2. yes, it was, and thanks for your kind words about it. i'ts based on a character from one of my favorite novels, called Dune...

  3. oh so you thought of it yourself??? i like writing poems too maybe ill type you one

  4. nah thats definately a direct quote from the book

  5. pretty direct, but it's actually a mix of comments made by Duke Leto to his son Paul, and then separate dialogue made much later in the storyline by the ghola Duncan Idaho. I always thought they actually fit together rather nicely...

    good observation, whoever you are, "anonymous," and a Dune fan to boot!
