Monday, September 23, 2013

Welcome to all my new students! If you've found this blog, then you know who I am and what I teach. Check out the Forensic Science and Science Fair links for more information. This week's extra credit is real simple. Simply comment on how awesome this blog is, leave your name, and you get 25 points extra credit. So simple, even my wonderful dog Dixie Cousins could do it! Here's a picture of her, if you're curious...


  1. Wow, Dad, this is an awesome blog, and clearly you are an awesome teacher! I'm sure your students will want to visit this blog every week and get some extra credit! Love, Dixie...

  2. read this too and i liked the pics will we be able to disect grasshopers, play with the snakes, etc.

  3. I like your blog :)
    I like the fact it has the class pics

  4. wilbert nieves
    wow,this is beter than any outher teachers blogs!!!!!!!!!
