Monday, February 28, 2011

What Separates Us From Chimps? As It Turns Out Not Much

Dr. Robert Sapolsky discusses his work as professor of biology and neurology at Stanford University and as a research associate.  Click here to see the video...

What Separates Us From Chimps? As It Turns Out Not Much


  1. Who knew that Einstein was so accurate even with his lack of technology! This was a cool video and this old guy is hilarious, Thanks for having this blog.

  2. It's my pleasure! Thanks to you for reading it! Good job at the science fair Friday, BTW.

    Peace, JG

  3. Dear Melissa. I know I responded to this earlier, but as I was checking through things I saw your name and was reminded how I miss having you around.

    Hope all is well with you.

    PS. We're having an Audubon thingy tomorrow night (Wednesday) and it would be cool if you could come! It's on veterinary medicine, I think.



  4. A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool.
