Saturday, December 25, 2010

What WikiLeaks revealed to the world in 2010

It's unsurprising that political leaders would want to convince people that the true criminals are those who expose acts of high-level political corruption and criminality, rather than those who perpetrate them.  Every political leader would love for that self-serving piety to take hold.  

But what's startling is how many citizens and, especially, "journalists" now vehemently believe that as well.  In light of what WikiLeaks has revealed to the world about numerous governments, just fathom the authoritarian mindset that would lead a citizen -- and especially a "journalist" -- to react with anger that these things have been revealed; to insist that these facts should have been kept concealed and it'd be better if we didn't know; and, most of all, to demand that those who made us aware of it all be punished (the True Criminals) while those who did these things (The Good Authorities) be shielded:

That reaction has not been weakened at all even by the Pentagon's own admission that, in stark contrast to its own actions, there is no evidence -- zero -- that any of WikiLeaks' actions has caused even a single death.


  1. Wikipedia is a very unreliable place to get your information if it doesnt have any resources you refer back to.

    -Claudia Sanchez
    Period 4

  2. It's outrageous how our government tries to blind Americans from their corruption and criminality. Coming from a country that borders the U.S., I now see that all of these promises for a better life and equal opportunity are only rumors about America. The lies that are perpetuated through the mass media should be considered more treason than what Wikileaks does, which is provide information and unmask our government.
