Sunday, October 10, 2010

Welcome To Block II!

To our returning and new students, welcome to South Pointe. As we discussed in class, I will occasionally post a link, story summary, video, or image on this blog that goes beyond what we talk about in class. If you like, you can visit this page, review what I've posted, and comment on it for some extra credit. 

You can even scroll down and comment on as many posts as you like for even more extra credit. You do have to review the material, and say something that lets me know you thought about the topic. 

To get the extra credit, just click on the comment link below each post, let me know what you think, and leave your full name, so I know who gets the extra credit. If you prefer, you can also send me an email with your comment at this address (that's

Good luck this Block, and I hope you check back here often for clever, insightful, and really amazing stuff!

Rock on, dudes and duddettes!

Mr. G


  1. I think, what a joy it is to be alive, and wonder if I will ever leap inward to the root of this flesh, and know myself as I truly am?
    The root is there, any word may free me...
