Monday, January 04, 2010

Welcome to Block III!

For new Biology and Forensic Science students, welcome to Block III. As we discussed in class, please visit here at least once a week for a selection of interesting articles and video to review, and of course Extra Credit for your extra efforts.

Each week (and usually more frequently) I will post at least one article or video for you to check out, and all you have to do to earn from 25 to 50 points is to read the article or watch the video, then Comment on it with one to two sentences explaining what the story was about (and include your name, so I know who the points go to). You can also email me your comments at

For the first week of class, it's easy as pie! Just comment on this post (see the comment link below), or email me, and you get an extra 25 points. Check back next week for more new stuff....JG


  1. I'm overwhelmed by your attention kids, please stop, it's just too busy around here!

  2. mr. G even though i won't be in your ill come by sometimes too feed your fish okay... =D

  3. i rwally want to be in your class next block too though..

  4. I hope you can, as I expect to do even more stuff that I think you might enjoy. Why don't you think you'll be in it next block?


